Suspend the NY State Assessment Tests for the 2012-2013 school year for the East Rockaway School District
Why is this important?
Due to Hurricane Sandy and the devastation that our community and district have sustained, we feel that NY State Assessment tests should be waived for the 2012/2013 school year. Two of our three schools have sustained tremendous damage, and all of our 7-12 graders are currently displaced and attending buildings in other districts. Our K-6 grade buildings are currently combined, housing 45-50 plus students per classroom. In addition, half of our students have lost their homes and their belongings and are currently living with relatives and friends as they try to recover from the effects of this storm. Due to the current set of extenuating circumstances and the weeks of valuable instructional time that was lost, we feel that administering state assessment test this year would not provide NY with an accurate assessment of either our teachers or students and that test preparation would further take away from the instructional time this district has already lost.