To: Bloomfield Hills School District
Eastover School Improvement Initiative
Initiative to focus on four imperatives to achieve our vision of an improved and enhanced learning environment and experience for our elementary students.
Why is this important?
Imperative 1: Address the lack of physical space. It is imperative that we have enough space in order for the teachers and paraprofessionals to properly instruct our students in a safe and healthy environment. It is unacceptable that our students are expected to learn in hallways and closets due to overcrowding and lack of space. Facts: 56,595 square footage & 474 students.
Imperative 2: Address Student Population. It is imperative that the needs of the student population are addressed across the board. This includes recognizing and addressing the workload of the teachers and paraprofessionals as well as the students’ special needs. Eastover is designated as a Title I school with a broad range of student issues, which includes DHH; ARP; the highest concentration of economically disadvantaged students; & a number of gifted children falling through the cracks. Facts: 91 students IEP (20%); 105 students referred to BIT (22%); & 67 students Free & reduced lunches (14%).
Imperative 3: Address Financial Disparities. It is imperative that the requested relevant financial data is released and explained in order to identify any disparities among the schools within the district; and if such disparities are found, that they are addressed to ensure equitable resources and staffing.
Imperative 4: Address the establishment, implementation, and maintenance of the Eastover School Improvement Committee. It is imperative that there is a committee comprised of parent and staff representatives to ensure ongoing communication and accountability between the Committee and the Bloomfield Hills School District Administration with regards to the above three imperatives.
Imperative 2: Address Student Population. It is imperative that the needs of the student population are addressed across the board. This includes recognizing and addressing the workload of the teachers and paraprofessionals as well as the students’ special needs. Eastover is designated as a Title I school with a broad range of student issues, which includes DHH; ARP; the highest concentration of economically disadvantaged students; & a number of gifted children falling through the cracks. Facts: 91 students IEP (20%); 105 students referred to BIT (22%); & 67 students Free & reduced lunches (14%).
Imperative 3: Address Financial Disparities. It is imperative that the requested relevant financial data is released and explained in order to identify any disparities among the schools within the district; and if such disparities are found, that they are addressed to ensure equitable resources and staffing.
Imperative 4: Address the establishment, implementation, and maintenance of the Eastover School Improvement Committee. It is imperative that there is a committee comprised of parent and staff representatives to ensure ongoing communication and accountability between the Committee and the Bloomfield Hills School District Administration with regards to the above three imperatives.