To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Economic Disparity & Campaign Contributions

Reverse the Supreme Court's "Citizens United" decision by way of amendment and demand a legislative review of the serious and ever increasing economic disparity between the wealthy and the poor in America. This review would include an investigation into subsidies and tax breaks which mostly benefit the wealthy and proposals to eliminate these subsidies and tax breaks, thereby creating resources to increase funding for education and opportunities to help the poor and middle class.

Why is this important?

The top 1% of the wealthy Americans account for 40% of its wealth, the top 1% are worth more than the bottom 90% combined and 95% of economic gain goes to the top 1%! The wealthy and powerful seek to maintain the status quo and practice avoidance to deal with the issue. They defend the "Trickle down Theory", scream "Socialism!" and employ scare tactics concerning a decline in job creation if anyone dares to question or implement policies that would alter the control of wealth and power.
In the economic reality we live in things can only get worse for the poor and middle class. The playing field needs to be leveled. Wealth begets wealth so while the cash piles up exponentially for the rich as the stock market goes up, the middle class loses hope and the poor are left in the dust!
The Supreme Court's "Citizens United" decision allows huge campaign contributions to flow from the wealthy to the candidates which gives certain people influence over election results and future policy decisions. Common sense dictates that the "Citizens United" decision puts elections up for sale and there will be an inherent indebtedness on the part of the elected toward the big money contributors.