To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Economic Fairness: End Plutocracy

We The People, in order to reduce the ravages of poverty, hunger, homelessness and crime, demand serious and immediate monetary reform. As long as private banks control the money supply, we will never stand a chance of eliminating these scourges. As per Article Section 8 of the US Constitution, Congress, and Congress alone, has the power to create money and regulate it's value. With that sovereign power, there is no reason that any free nation should ever have to borrow. Borrowing money and creating a public debt creates a plutocracy, or rule by the rich. As per the 1939 Chicago Plan published by Irving Fisher and a dozen other well respected economists, effective monetary reform shall consist of the following:

1) Eliminate government borrowing. A permanent solution would have to be an Amendment to the Institution. In the interim, it should be accomplished with an emergency Executive Order.

2) Eliminate fractional reserve banking, or the creation of money by banks that do not have the money in reserves. This can be transitioned over a period of a year without hurting private banks. This should also be accomplished with an emergency executive order.

3) The issuance by the Treasury of debt-free notes to replace the existing Federal Reserve notes, thereby paying off the debt without a resulting contraction in the money supply. This should also be accomplished with an emergency Executive Order.

4) The establishment of an independent Monetary authority that will be made of governors from each state, which will carefully control the expansion of the national money supply at a rate that will pegged to either a Cost-Per-Capita standard or a Constant-Cost-Of-Living standard.

Within months of implementing these reforms, we will see a decrease in prices, unemployment,foreclosures,bankruptcies,crime,government assistance applications and even taxes, since they all currently go to pay the interest on the debt. Please implement these emergency monetary reforms immediately.

Why is this important?

In order to provide a plentiful supply of money, Congress needs to stop borrowing every dollar into existence and stop allowing banks to create and control the money supply. The interest we pay on the debt from borrowing this fictitious money is enough to feed the hungry and reduce poverty, crime and homelessness. The borrowing of money from banks puts We The People in a position where Congress will never pass a law that's in OUR favor, let alone jail any bankers like Iceland did. This plutocratic system is the primary cause of rising prices, high unemployment, foreclosures and eroding civil liberties. Monetary reform now!
