To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Economic Prosperity Act

20% of super pac donations, candidate donations, and political advertizements that exceed $1,000 from a single source must be remanded to a non-partizan entity charged with releasing economic impact analysis each 30 days for each item of active legislation with links to the associated voting record.

Why is this important?

Politicians offering free money in exchange for votes is stupid but popular. That collapsed the economy in 2007.

Politicians bribed voters by promising lower taxes that came from eliminating federally-funded depression-era education reform (No Child Left Behind). The dropout rate exploded but runaway inflation provided employment in construction and real estate until 2007. The Patriot Act allowed states to outlaw Mexicans, so about 1.7 million left between 2007 and 2010. The resulting housing abandonment collapsed the construction and real estate industries, resulting in an unemployment boom.

Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment does not guarantee the right of wealth people to freely lie to the public with no oversight in order to do these kinds of things.
