To: Mark Mitchell, Tempe Mayor, Greg Stanton, Mayor of Phoenix, Michael Johnson, Vice Mayor, Name, Title or Position (optional), President Donald Trump, The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, Governor Doug Ducey, The United State...

Educated Souls, LLC Advocates to End Classroom Discrimination

Please help Educated Souls, LLC stop discrimination towards black students in the classroom. Although it may be silent to others at times, it is very blunt in the face of our children.

Why is this important?

All 4 of my children have experienced extreme prejudice and racism in the various districts that they've attended over the past 17 years. The State of Arizona is rampant with teachers who blatantly discriminate against black students and the various administrative/districts do nothing to reprimand staff hence the problem continues. I have been unsuccessful in fighting this fight alone as I have fought for mine along with other students while being a Substitute Teacher but am terminated for my advocacy. Please help me help the youth to be treated fairly as the Constitution reads and they recite daily, Thank you!
