To: President Donald Trump, The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, Governor Ralph Northam, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Education and Student Loans

Making Higher Education affordable for all students by holding Elementaries and High Schools responsible for arming all children with the proper tools to pursue Higher Education. Hold the Schools accountable and provide funds public funds only to those with a 100% percent rate of success.
Revamp the Student Loans: Hold all Colleges and Universities for properly lending student loans to students that are successfully approving the required level of performance.
Look in to the fixed 10 yrs term of repayment. That is sending Million of graduates in to poverty: The salary that most of them earn when entering the work force, is not enough to pay at least $500/mo for Student Loan. If the loans are taylored to the career that the student chosen, we will prevent so many loans going in to "Deferment"

Why is this important?

Why has education become so expensive?
It's not because children are educated better.
On the contrary. They come out of our State High Schools in such a disadvantaged Educational Status, that it is so much easier for the Student to rule out Further Education