To: President Donald Trump and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR-3)
Educators for Fair Unbiased Internet Access
Educators need the US to have a fair and level internet, if our goal is to train independent critical thinkers. Pay-to-load-fast options open the door to even more big-money influence in the lives of all our students, as those who can pay extra get seen, and those who cannot pay more are left unseen, building and perpetuating the societal chasm between the haves and the have-nots. Please block this corporate experiment on our society.
Why is this important?
As a high school chemistry teacher, my access to small, independent stories and videos is critical, if I am to convey both the excitement as well as the dangers of the world of chemistry. There's no way a litigation-adverse school district would allow me to demonstrate all the CRAZY chemistry-related things people people do!