To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown

Educators in Support of the Governor's Immigrant Defense Fund

We are educators from across the state of Oregon writing in support of the Governor’s Immigrant Defense Fund. As educators, we sit on the front lines of the impacts of federal deportation policy on Oregonian children and their families and we strongly support the commitment the Governor has made to keeping families together.

Why is this important?

There are over 5 million children in the United States with at least one undocumented parent. Currently there are over 5,100 active deportation cases across the state of Oregon and more than 71,000 Oregon children are at risk of losing a parent to deportation. This forced separation has enormous consequences for our students, their families and our education communities.
The 71,000 Oregon children and youth living under the threat of being forcibly removed from a loving and capable parent experience enormous education disparities. These young people experience high levels of anxiety and depression, which effects their ability to participate in academic activities. Additionally, the very legitimate fear of being stopped by ICE and detained in the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma keeps many parents from being able to actively engage with the school community. Children and youth who are at risk of losing a parent are less likely to be able to participate in after-school activities or supplemental academic support, lowering their academic success rates and their over-all satisfaction with their education experience. These kids are also disproportionately represented in chronic absenteeism and following the forced removal of a parent, are ten times more likely to drop out than their peers.

Educators from all around the state can describe the horrible impact of forced removal on their students and their school communities. Ten-year-old students being sent to school with their passport to prove they are citizens. Six-year-old children defending themselves in court with no attorney. Children arriving home after school only to find the house empty and learning their parents will never return. These are not stories happening in other countries, or only on the southern border. They happen in Oregon every day. Educators stand against the senseless destruction of loving families. We stand against Oregon children and youth being caught in the crosshairs of federal policy. We stand for an Oregon where every child is valued and safe, free to pursue their education and future free from the violence of family separation. We urge our state leaders to vote yes for the Immigrant Defense Fund.