To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Elected Officials cannot debase the 1st amendment

Make an amendment to the 1st Amendment that clearly state all elected officials must be held to a higher level of accountability by the fact they we the people of the United States, as their employers, deserve that they adhere to the same employment rules that applies to any paid employee. Their statements must stand up to a fact check. We pay their salaries, their health benefits, their retirement. Unlike us they get to keep these benefits long after they leave office. Unlike us their decisions affects the lives and liberties of countless people depending on their judgement to govern and make laws based on commons sense and intelligent resourceful information, not hidden agendas based on backroom politics to benefit one segment of American society over the other. Governance should have nothing to do with anything other than equally enforced rights of all Americans regardless of race, creed, religion, ethnicity, place or origin or gender. They violate the laws when they intentionally misrepresent facts to the extent that they are in fact just as guilty as if they shout "fire" in a closed room, much like the minds of those who listen and base their decisions on misinformation.

Why is this important?

Make it illegal for any elected official to lie as an employee of the people by the people. Do not allow any official tasked with making decisions that affects the lives of the people to whom they were elected to protect to use the 1st amendment as a sham and excuse for misinformation. Make them held to a higher level of accountability due to the level of office that they hold. We, the people of the United States of America, as their employer deserve nothing less than what any employer would ask of us.
