To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Election Corruption Act

In order to establish fair and equal elections for all federal politicians, it is necessary to provide and limit expenditure on all such elections. This can be done by establishing reasonable costs for each type of election, and allowing candidates and their campaigns use only those funds. It will also be necessary to limit and control media coverage for each candidate to assure fairness of coverage on each candidate in these elections.

Why is this important?

We the people of the United States must act to limit the powers of Corporations. Our government has become corrupted by a system of political financing that puts our politicians at the mercy of the banks and corporations that finance their campaigns. THIS MUST STOP!! Laws and tax codes cannot be fair. They are written for politicians by corporations seeking to profit from tax exemptions, and imprison larger portions of our population for longer periods of time in order to have them work for pennies a day in the penal system [as in the case of UNICORP].

The only way to stop it is to provide fair and equal financing for all federal elections. This is a big change to the status quo for our politicians who are dependent on their ties to big business to maintain their political coffers full. It means no more political coffers, and no more 100 million dollar campaigns. It means clean and fair elections for all politicians and political parties.It also means an end to corporate control of our congress.