To: President Donald Trump

Election Fraud with Bain-linked e-voting machines

John Husted, Ohio State Secretary of State, and John Kasich, Ohio Governor, have commited acts that prevent or inhibit citizens who live in predominantly minority areas in the State of Ohio from Voting. Because of a clear conflict of interest in their oversight of the Ohio voting machines, owned by a Bain subsidary, they should not be allowed to oversee Ohio voting or control Ohio's electronic vote count.

Why is this important?

Ohio's Hamilton county is ground zero for Romney and Republicans. See "Will the GOP Steal America's 2012 Election?" ( Hart Intercivic, now H.I.G.Capital, controls the voting machines in Hamilton County and has directors and partners from Bain Company or Bain Capital on the H.I.G. board. H.I.G. Directors John. P. Boduk and Dougals Berman are major fundraisers for Romney and H.I.G. employees have contributed at least $338,000 to the Romney campaign. The extreme right ring Republican Governor John Kasich and his Secretary of State, John Husted will control Ohio's electronic vote count on election night. John Husted, the Ohio Secretary of State has ignored the judicial decisions on early voting, which prevent Ohio citizens living in predominantly minority areas in Florida from voting. Voting. Because of a clear conflict of interest in their oversight of Ohio voting machines owned by a Bain subsidary, they should not be allowed to oversee Ohio voting or control Ohio's electronic vote count. See :
