To: The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, and Governor Tony Evers

Electoral College Rigging

Don't even think about trying to game the districting laws of this state again to change the EC for Presidential and general elections to rig the system over the will of the people for partisan advantage to march towards one party rule!

Why is this important?

You've already gerrymandered the districts at the state level to safely keep seats for your party intact and ensure wins in the state legislature and in the House of Representatives in DC but now are planning to win the 2016 Presidential elections the same way via redistricting the maps in WI, OH, PA, FL, MI, VA which are all controlled by gop legislatures and went to President Obama. In WI and PA, state reps openly admitted that Voter ID laws "would have made it easier to give the election to his opponent but in WI where we do not have Voter ID yet, that d/n happen and in PA where they DO, it d/n happen either so all these states are looking at now changing the district maps of the EC after almost 20 years!!! CHEATING!!!