To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Electoral Reform Coalition, end the two-party duopoly

In November 2012, I will only vote for House and Senate candidates who are members of the Electoral Reform Coalition, or who are committed to reforming the electoral system to be more proportional, representative, democratic and fair.

Why is this important?

The two-party winner-take-all electoral system is not a great idea, and everyone knows it. It's divisive, simplistic, corruptible and undemocratic.

Our winner-take-all electoral system allows only two parties. They become massive, corruptible, and broad in their rhetoric but minimal in their differences. Around the nation, most voters view their opposition party as tyrannical and evil, while their chosen party is simply “the lesser of two evils.” They do not vote for a third party, even one closer to their political ideology, because it is viewed as a wasted vote. That is not democracy.

In 2012, only vote for Electoral Reform Coalition candidates who will make their first priority to advance democracy for all Americans through a more representative form of elections.
