To: President Donald Trump

Electric Car Initiative

To convene the auto industry in the creation of a standard electric battery for automobiles with the intent of making them swappable by independent charge station managers and foster a growing market capable of driving economies of scale.

To further mediate the creation of a battery management fund that will own said batteries and dispense swap licenses for each cycle use. Thus making the vehicles sold for this industry cost effective, eliminating recharge times to consumers and addressing the lifecycle issues behind the batteries themselves.

Why is this important?

Electric vehicles are the only way for commuters to tap into the ever-changing energy landscape. Commuter cars cannot easily adopt new sources of energy as quickly, or efficiently, as utility companies can. As exemplified in the unanticipated shift in price for natural gas, the cost of converting gasoline engines for its use, and the lack of infrastructure to back it, have left consumers unable to benefit from the low costs it promises. Furthermore, green energy sources such as solar and/or wind, remain equally out of reach. Electric cars remove this barrier, allowing consumers to benefit from whatever source of energy provides the best value at any given time.

This petition seeks to address three of the most pressing issues behind the adoption of electric cars by the public. Current models sport batteries of varying configurations and charge requirements. The utility of these vehicles is further hampered by both the time it takes to recharge them, and the limited numbers of recharge cycles prior to their replacement. Lastly, the initial cost of the vehicles themselves deters consumers by remaining substantially above the costs of its substitutes.

With this initiative in place, a solution to these issues is pursued simultaneously, and a new market born. With the new paradigm in place, market forces can then drive this technology in the most efficient direction, and in time, foster an entirely new industry.