To: The Rhode Island State House, The Rhode Island State Senate, and Governor Gina Raimondo

Needless and Careless Electrical Consumption

I would like a law passed to regulate needless Electrical Consumption by big businesses. Our rates are constantly rising because National Grid says it needs to expand capacity because of demand.

If you drive around the state this demand is needlessly being draw by large businesses, malls and governement business and parking lots, especially being lit up during the day light hours.

We need a law to fine these locations. The general public and households are being unfairly charged for these increases plus these same business raise the price of their goods to cover their over head.

In the end the public consumer is being made to pay in raised rates and prices on their products and services.

It's a double whammy to our economy.

Our own state prisons are a major fault. Their lights are on outside all day and night. Very poor management.

Why is this important?

Every Rhode Island electrical consumer is affected by this.

It's just needless waste that could very easilly be controlled and stopped.

A substantial fine would make these corporations and businesses pay attention with everyone benefiting from it.

A summons can be written by the local police authority similiar as a parking ticket