To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Eliminate Bed Mandates
The bed mandate requires U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to hold an average of 34,000 individuals in detention on a daily basis. No other law enforcement agency is subject to a statuatory quota on the number of individuals to hold in detention. Billions of dollars are spent each year on non-violent civil offenders, it is time to say enough!
Why is this important?
The immigration system is broken, and no where is that more apparent than in the private prison system. The federal government has partnered with private prison systems to detain immigrant offenders which is lining the pockets of the private prison executives and their investors. On average it costs $120 per day to house a prisoner which amounts to billions of dollars each and every year. Stop prisoners for profit, and demand that the bed mandate is removed from budgetary allocations, and that the immigration statues in this country are changed.