To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Eliminate or Lower Interest rates on all Stafford Loans.
Eliminate or lower interest rates on Stafford Loans that are being paid. Banks were bailed out by taxpayer dollars. Eliminate or lower interest rates on Stafford Loans that are being paid to the same interest rates these banks, that we bailed out, are giving us on our savings, below 1%
Why is this important?
Our taxpayer dollars bailed out the banks. The interest our money we save in these banks is earning less than 1% interest. I petition that students Stafford Loans that are being paid should have the interest eliminated, or at least lowered to the same low rates we are receiving from the banks we bailed out. If you want to get more money back into the economy, eliminate or lower the rates as I've stated, Help bail out these students, many who can't even find jobs. Congress was considering raising rates back up to at least 6% and we are supposed to be thankful that they are trying to keep them at 3%. Well congress 3% is not low enough. Eliminate, or lower them to the same rates the banks that taxpayers bailed out are giving us on our savings accounts. If you're even lucky enough to still have a savings account.