The outsourcing of American jobs at the cost of the American worker has to stop. Companies that do so, must not get any tax breaks for this. By outsourcing jobs overseas and laying off American workers, the tax base needed by Federal and Local Governments are undermined and eroded. It is a subversive act, and an attack on the American way of life and quality. Companies that layoff workers and move those jobs overseas should also pay those workers taxes until those workers get jobs. All taxes, City, County, Township, State, Federal. This way the tax base is not eroded or undermined by Corporate greed.
Why is this important?
American Companies get tax breaks for creating jobs overseas. This should be stopped. Also, all companies that outsource American jobs overseas and lays off workers to do so, should pay that employees taxes, until the laid off employee finds a job. All taxes, City, County, Township, State, Federal. This way the tax base is not eroded or undermined by Corporate greed.