To: The United States Senate

Eliminate The Electoral College

The electoral college reminds the people every four years that their vote really doesn't count. It is time for America to grow up and have a truly democratic Presidential election based on the people's vote the way all our other elections are.

Why is this important?

Due to the Electoral College these "well- to-do" people were able to take advantage of their role of choosing the president for the people by placing their electoral votes to George Bush. The shown & believed policy is the presidential candidate that wins the state gets the electoral votes (number of votes vary by state). The other part not talked about is the fact the the electors have the right to overrule the people's popular vote and shift their votes to the candidate THEY CHOSE. This is exactly what occurred in the 2000 Pres. Election between Gore & Bush. Al Gore won the popular vote yet somehow George Bush received enough electoral votes to win that election by way of this idiotic technicality. The Daily Press had his story on the the front page where one of the electors was quoted saying " I made what I felt was the choice for the American people in electing George Bush" More truthful eyes are on these elections so its a hard thing to duplicate. Which is why now they are trying to adjust districts of states to make certain areas electoral votes counts more than others. The electoral college needs to go before another controversial election occurs