To: W. James Mc Nerney, Chairman, Business Roundtable, Chairperson, ACT - Alliance for Competitive Taxation, Chairperson, TIE - Tax Innovation Equality Coalition, Chairperson, Coalition for Fair Effective Tax Rates, Chairperson, Build Coalit...

Create American Jobs by Closing Tax Loopholes

The ultimate aim of this petition campaign is to influence the federal tax reform debate sufficiently resulting:
1. In a specified tax haven being created in the United
States that provides onshore tax credits to corporations,
removing the need for corporations to invest in tax havens
2. Providing incentives for corporations to return jobs to America
3. In an equal unemployment rate for African-Americans
and all others to Whites, thereby eliminating the wealth gap.

Why is this important?

The purpose of this petition is to create American Jobs encourage advocacy sufficient resulting in a tax system that is fair, transparent and equal to society's views on appropriately balanced income and wealth distribution. The corporate share of federal revenue has declined by more than 60% over the last 50 years --- plummeting from 22% to 8%. Over the decade corporations have spent billions to get favored treatment as evidence documents corporations have been benefited with a return of more than 2,000% on their investment. Corporations do not pay their fair share of federal taxes yet promote a pro-growth strategy of austerity for American citizens and prosperity for themselves using the tax code as their “profit center” to boost corporate profits. Lawmakers substantially grant favors to corporations at the behest of corporate lobbyist consistently, to the detriment of ordinary citizens. This has accelerated the wealth gap according to representative studies showing in 2009 white families’ median income was $113,149 for Latino families their median income was $6,325 for and black families median income was $5,677. Worst, today more than 22 million Americans are unemployed.

As a solution to closing the wealth gap and recognizing that:
➢ All global wealth passes through tax havens, and
➢ One-third of all wealth resides in cross-border tax havens

This petition hereby demands the following:

1. Congress establish a United States based tax haven thereby creating a new economy, whose primary objective is to serve corporations as the authorized American tax haven. This tax haven will require benefiting corporations to accurately report all taxes paid in all countries regardless of where the income was generated, and to respect and adhere to a social contract between governments and citizens in promoting a tax system that eliminates wealth inequality.

2. Congress terminates all corporate tax credits for moving jobs off shore and outsourcing of services offshore. We demand that Congress:
* Provide incentives for companies that hire Americans to work onshore
* Offer incentives for corporations that give vendor opportunities to Americans
* Provide a special tax incentive to corporations that establish a closely aligned relationship to colleges and universities developing curriculums to fill their labor needs over at least a 5-year or more period of time

3. Passes legislation prior to February 2014 ---exceeding the basic Action Plan released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and endorsed by the G20, the world’s premier forum of Leaders representing economies creating more than 80 percent of global GDP--- agreeing to crack down on corporate tax evasion.

4. Require the Tax Reform Coalitions, all corporations, or their designated representatives, now to enter into an agreement with those representing the best interests of the 99% to jointly present to Congress preferred legislation that advances the G-20 Action Plan on cracking down on corporate tax evasion, avoidance and manipulation not later than January 15, 2014, adhering to the established schedule of the OEDC.

5. Put forth the strongest possible effort to conduct investigations, make business analyses, formalize business plans and hold hearings exercising all options to expeditiously complete the authorization of a United States tax haven. Simultaneously, companies with offshore funds, estimated now at $2 trillion, will be required to invest here in the United States tax haven or will be denied tax credits offshore and moreover denied a presence in the United States tax haven.

We urge The United States Congress to give these five demands urgent attention and immediate implementation.