If the system provides indicators where "camera lights" are located; why not provide "minutes remaining" on the light affected so the public can guage whether to attempt to cross the safety zone of the yellow light or to stop immediately.
Why is this important?
In Columbus, Ohio, there are camera "lights" where a picture of your car is being taken when you "go through" yellow and then red lights. The objective would seem to be safety of drivers -- this rule has made me completely paranoid -- I now do not go through yellow and (therefore) red lights -- I refuse to cross the restricted area (notices are provided where camera lights appear); in other words, I refuse to cross where the time is not given when the light will be changing. I don't feel I am the only one getting very upset not only with the money being paid out from citizens, but also the fact that there is little, if any, learning taking place. I have received two tickets in the past four years and with either ticket did I know what I did wrong or how to correct the situation to make my driving safer for myself and others.