A basic Constitutional Right was violated when Pennsylvania legislators passed House Bill 239--2007!! Pennsylvania residents are being forced to disconnect their own private water sources and connect to the fluoridated/chlorinated municipal water at a high monthly cost!! In many municipalities all over the United States, citizens are being forced to purchase municipal water even if they have spring or well water on their property--even some farmers!! Accordingly to H.B. 239 2007, if your boro or township has mandated water purchase and usage in their ordinances prior to the passage of this House Bill, you must connect, purchase and use municipal water and disconnect your own private well or spring source. This is forcing citizens into commerce with a government agency and clearly against the U.S. Constitution!! This House Bill is also a direct violation of the Riparian Doctrine which allows every land owner the right to take 10,000 gallons of water from their property every day for personal use. A private water company or any utility company could never do this so why can a government water authority do it??
Many state constitutions acknowledge that all men are by nature free and equal and have certain inalienable rights, including the right to defend life, to own property and to pursue safety and happiness. It may be implied from these constitutional provisions that a man's "inalienable rights" include the ability to obtain those things upon which basic survival is based, like water!!
Why is this important?
Water Purchase Mandates in Pennsylvania and the violation of the Riparian Doctrine.