To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
eliminating artificial sweeteners--aspertame
please eliminate artificial sweeteners (aspertame) from all our food products.
Why is this important?
four years ago i was paralyzed and hospitalized for 3 weeks. my doctor now suspects that my overuse of diet products, sodas, sweets, sweet and low, etc., led to the paralysis. there is evidence that these artificial sweeteners attack your nerve endings and also make leisions in your brain. i worked very hard with my physical therapist and was finally able to use a wheelchair, walker and now still have to use a cane. originally i had absolutely NO FEELING from my bust down to my toes (couldn't move at all, not even wriggling my toes). i have regained a little feeling, but still have neuropathy from my knees down to my toes. it is a very painful disease to live with and very debilitating. there is no guarantee that i will ever get better, and worse, my doctor said i could have another episode and maybe this time i wouldn't regain ANY feeling!!! my cardiologist said i have permanent damage to my heart, most likely from a stroke that they think i suffered at the same time. there is a group, headed up my mrs. betty martini, that is working very hard to eliminating this chemical from all our foods. this is a very serious problem for all humans!!!