To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Eliminating the tax breaks

The deficit ceiling needs to be raised so that our government can pay its bills. The deficit that exists now was not caused by payments to Social Security or Medicare. Reckless Government spending starting after the Clinton Administration, which ended a Democratic Presidency with a surplus, caused it. But the continued cost now for Social Security and Medicare will be a problem for our economy if no action is taken to increase revenue The Republicans want to handle the situation by decreasing Social Security and Medicare benefits, which never caused the problems to begin with. They want to continue the tax breaks and write offs for billionaires, millionaires, and corporations who were a part of our present deficit problem. Our current deficit problems could be fixed without touching Social Security and Medicare. It could be fixed as suggested by President Obama by eliminating the tax breaks for billionaires, millionaires, and corporations, who don’t really need the money to survive quite well. The majority of recipients of Medicare and Social Security do need this money to survive. Have the Corporations and greed and corruption consumed us? Can someone tell me how we the people reclaim our Country?

Why is this important?

Our current deficit problems could be fixed without touching Social Security and Medicare. It could be fixed as suggested by President Obama by eliminating the tax breaks for billionaires, millionaires, and corporations.
