To: Elizabeth Esty
Elizabeth Esty: Stop the attacks
I urge you to renounce the attack campaign being launched by your funder, EMILY's List. Attacks that echo Republican talking points have no place in a Democratic primary. We are stronger when we work together than when we are torn apart by negative attacks that malign progressive values.
Why is this important?
EMILY's List just announced that they're going to attack Chris Donovan on behalf of Elizabeth Esty, and according to their own press release, they're relying on some of the worst right-wing framing to do it.
When Donovan and Esty both served in Hartford, Donovan led Democrats in passing a budget that raised taxes on millionaires in order to protect education and health care funding. Esty led a renegade group that wrote a more conservative budget that made deep cuts in the programs progressives care about.
Donovan has fought for fair wages, access to healthcare, funding for education, voting rights, and fair taxes. These are the very issues conscientious citizens see as priorities to building a fair and equitable society.
But EMILY's List is attacking Donovan for his "record on taxes" and praising Esty for "returning taxpayer money." They call right-wing budget cuts "responsible budgeting." These attacks are based on code words that right-wingers use, and they don't belong in a Democratic primary.
When Donovan and Esty both served in Hartford, Donovan led Democrats in passing a budget that raised taxes on millionaires in order to protect education and health care funding. Esty led a renegade group that wrote a more conservative budget that made deep cuts in the programs progressives care about.
Donovan has fought for fair wages, access to healthcare, funding for education, voting rights, and fair taxes. These are the very issues conscientious citizens see as priorities to building a fair and equitable society.
But EMILY's List is attacking Donovan for his "record on taxes" and praising Esty for "returning taxpayer money." They call right-wing budget cuts "responsible budgeting." These attacks are based on code words that right-wingers use, and they don't belong in a Democratic primary.