To: President Donald Trump, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Emancipation Day, 151 Years strong

We the names herein have set forth this goal to celebrate and ask the state of Georgia and our Nation; join us in forming an official recognition of our Nations First Emancipation. On that day in 1861, John C. Fremont would lead the way to ending slavery in each and every state of our United States. We respectfully ask you as a leader and citizen please sign and join this worthy cause: Emancipation Celebration and the 151st Anniversary of our premier (first) emancipation- Further we ask that all who do, will remind themselves of our Nations Civic Rights and Responsibilities and to do so by rereading at least once a year the Bill of Rights and every Amendment to our US Constitution, all witch grants other rights and underscores our responsibilities as a part of this National Emancipation Celebration. The price for freedom is paid every day by those who are diligent and dutiful in exercising all our rights and responsibilities as citizens. We those names submit for your support, help and with apriciation also ask may God Save the Republic and may God Bless America as she stands against oppression of any people or segment of her people at every turn; may fairness and moderation be our constant goal. Thank you for your kind endorsement to build a stronger United States by celebrating this great day in history. Respectfully, Aleq Boyle, President Fremont Civics Society

Why is this important?

August 31st. Marks the 151st anniversary of our nations first emancipation day- The signed official military order became known as our nations first emancipation by the premier Emancipator John C. Fremont. To voice our cause to celebrate and remind all Americans that Freedom is a daily battle for economic freedom, civil liberties and to understand our civic rights and responsibilities we ask you to join us in this cause to help educate our Republic. We share this day in hopes to remind citizens that oppression and slavery still exists around our globe and economic oppression is a new form of slavery we must educate and celebrate and expand upon freedom and liberty everywhere.