To: The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Emergency Unemployment Extension

Please tell Congress that it is IMPERATIVE for them to extend Emergency Unemployment Compensensation

Why is this important?

I have worked full time for over 30 years and paid into the unemployment insurance fund. I was laid off from my job 8 months ago and have been diligently looking for work. I am not a slouch or a freeloader. I worked hard all my life to support myself and my children. I am 61 years old and am getting ready to lose my house and my car. I can't believe that I will be homeless at age 61. If I don't have a car, I can't even get to a job but I can't afford the car payment or the car insurance without my unemployment benefits. How can this country leave 1.6 billion people without any income at all? How is that going to help the economy when all of these people will be homeless and in the welfare lines just to be able to get food to eat? I thought this Nation was better than that. I thought we were the land of the free but I am finding out it is all about the rich and corporate America and what they will lose to help their fellow Americans. I am so disilusioned. Please sign my petition today. Thank you.