To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Employee Compensation
Laws should be enacted that require public corporations to post their in store employee compensation practices conspicuously in each public business place they operate.
Why is this important?
Public companies are required by law to report information that private companies are exempt from reporting. They must report executive compensation for example. As a consumer I would prefer to do business with and would even pay higher prices to the companies that provide their employees with the highest pay and health insurance.
Public companies should be required by law to post publicly their compensation practices and percentage of full time and part time employees. This would provide consumers with important information with which to chose who to do business with. Public companies are daily collecting vast amounts of information on the behavior and preferences of their customers. We, their customers are entitled to more information about the business practices of Public Corporations.
Public companies should be required by law to post publicly their compensation practices and percentage of full time and part time employees. This would provide consumers with important information with which to chose who to do business with. Public companies are daily collecting vast amounts of information on the behavior and preferences of their customers. We, their customers are entitled to more information about the business practices of Public Corporations.