To: President Donald Trump

Employers not hiring due to credit scores:

Employees looking at your credit history and not hiring based on credit scores. Most people are unemployed because they lost their jobs, in many cases due to outsourcing and no fault of their own. If they have no jobs how can they pay their creditors? This practice must be stopped in order for the citizens to regain employment based solely on their qualifications and experience. This is an unfair practice which says that you are going to be a threat to my company or you will steal from my company because you have to much debt. Employers are essentially saying that you are a criminal before a crime has been committed, so they convict you by not giving you employment, and you continue to not be able to meet your obligations which you always met in a timely fashion before becoming unemployed.

Why is this important?

Unfair hiring practice due to credit scores must be stopped immediately so that Americans can get back to work. This practice does not benefit the creditor, the company nor does it benefit our country. Unemployment will continue to rise as this common practice has a domino effect, no employment, no taxes paid, no creditor being paid, no rent or mortgage being paid, homelessness= poverty. Poverty= public assistance, public assistance= tax dollars, tax dollars= bugdet deficits all across the board. Hey stupid get a clue!!!!
