To: Each one of us
Empower the People
I declare that it is only RIGHT now - the place of power, and in our own choice of words that we can experience an empowered or a disempowered life.
Let us ALL - in this moment - decide to take back our power in regards to all areas of our lives. Let us not think that just because we have a 'government' that they are in charge of us and our freedom. Let us not think that just because we have doctors and health care practitioners (whether natural or medical) that they are in charge of our health. Let us not think that because we have religious and spiritual leaders that they are in charge of our spirits and our connection to something greater. Let us not think that because we have teachers, that they have the answers we need. Let us not think that because we have scientists and physicists that they can tell us how the world works FOR US.
Let us take back the power and the knowing that WE create our own reality - - WE decide if we get well, if we are free, if we stay connected, if we levitate or walk through walls....that WE DON"T NEED someone else to okay for us - the advancement of our reality. We don't need permission to succeed, get better, believe greater, Be freer, or anything.
In this freedom, in this self-empowerment let us remember that we co-create a world with other co-creators and that is it our responsibility to be compassionate and discerning in how we use our empowerment in the face of others.
Let us join together NOW and say yes to a brighter, lighter way together.
How will the world be when we all become empowered to know that WE HAVE ALL THE POWER AND WISDOM INSIDE US THAT WE NEED TO DO EVERYTHING?!
It is true.
Let us not be fooled any longer.
Let us band together and support our mutual self-empowerment and unite as ONE entity that is free, sovereign and righteous (meaning Right-use of power).
Here the resonance in your own being.
Drop the need to be told what to do.
Listen to your heart.
Release Fear
Say 'YES' loudly right now to YOU!!
WE can do it!
We are stronger than we think we are. We are brighter than we give ourselves credit for, we are more beautiful, more capable, more amazing. We are able to do things beyond our current ability to comprehend.
I invite you now to join me in becoming Empowered Citizens of the Universe. It is time to drop association with any small crowd, entity, country, limiting factor, group or race. We are MORE.
You are MORE>
Thank you for being HERE on Earth Now and for Hearing this message and embracing it!!!
Let us ALL - in this moment - decide to take back our power in regards to all areas of our lives. Let us not think that just because we have a 'government' that they are in charge of us and our freedom. Let us not think that just because we have doctors and health care practitioners (whether natural or medical) that they are in charge of our health. Let us not think that because we have religious and spiritual leaders that they are in charge of our spirits and our connection to something greater. Let us not think that because we have teachers, that they have the answers we need. Let us not think that because we have scientists and physicists that they can tell us how the world works FOR US.
Let us take back the power and the knowing that WE create our own reality - - WE decide if we get well, if we are free, if we stay connected, if we levitate or walk through walls....that WE DON"T NEED someone else to okay for us - the advancement of our reality. We don't need permission to succeed, get better, believe greater, Be freer, or anything.
In this freedom, in this self-empowerment let us remember that we co-create a world with other co-creators and that is it our responsibility to be compassionate and discerning in how we use our empowerment in the face of others.
Let us join together NOW and say yes to a brighter, lighter way together.
How will the world be when we all become empowered to know that WE HAVE ALL THE POWER AND WISDOM INSIDE US THAT WE NEED TO DO EVERYTHING?!
It is true.
Let us not be fooled any longer.
Let us band together and support our mutual self-empowerment and unite as ONE entity that is free, sovereign and righteous (meaning Right-use of power).
Here the resonance in your own being.
Drop the need to be told what to do.
Listen to your heart.
Release Fear
Say 'YES' loudly right now to YOU!!
WE can do it!
We are stronger than we think we are. We are brighter than we give ourselves credit for, we are more beautiful, more capable, more amazing. We are able to do things beyond our current ability to comprehend.
I invite you now to join me in becoming Empowered Citizens of the Universe. It is time to drop association with any small crowd, entity, country, limiting factor, group or race. We are MORE.
You are MORE>
Thank you for being HERE on Earth Now and for Hearing this message and embracing it!!!
Why is this important?
It seems that nearly everyone I talk to has a gripe these days whether about government, health care, religion or social issues. I feel like it is time to take our POWER back! This life we have WAY too often given our power away to another entity or organization and by so doing left ourselves in a place where we feel disempowered. In this disempowered state all we can do is complain about what others are doing. But what are WE doing INSIDE and in our words to re-empower ourselves? Let's start today to change all that!