To: Jon Stewart

Encourage Jon Stewart to Endorse Bernie Sanders

Jon Stewart was a beloved, progressive voice of reason through two administrations and had incredible impact on political debate in this country. His support would be monumental for the Bernie Sanders campaign. SIGN THE PETITION TO TELL JON STEWART that we need HIS HELP to elect Bernie Sanders.

Why is this important?

Your impact on the American people cannot be overstated. While the host of the Daily Show, you were a reassuring voice of hope, justice, and common sense for many millions of ordinary people in the face of demoralizing establishment politics and corruption. This election is critical to the future of this country. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who represents the average American, working to end discrimination, improve wages, provide universal healthcare, protect the environment and ensure a brighter future. With your help, Bernie can win the White House and take back the government from the wealthy donors and super PACs. Please publicly endorse Bernie Sanders.
