500 signatures reached
To: Robert F. Moran, CEO
End abuse of Betta fish at PetSmart
We, the undersigned, call on PetSmart to end its cruel confinement of Betta fish in tiny cups. PetSmart should either stop selling Bettas or have them shipped and presented for sale in at least 1-gallon containers, properly maintained for cleanliness, and with clear instructions to buyers that Bettas need at least a 2-1/2 gal. tank and proper tropical water temperature for basic health.
Why is this important?
Bettas are intelligent and sensitive fish that are cruelly confined in tiny cups by most stores who sell them. The leading pet store chain PetSmart receives many complaints about its cruel treatment of these fish, but continues to brush them off with misleading statements that these tiny cups are 'comfortable' and 'safe' habitats. Besides trapping the fish in an undersized space, the presentation of Bettas in this manner misleads customers into thinking that tiny spaces are acceptable for Bettas. They are not. The wholesale mistreatment of these innocent creatures by PetSmart must stop.