To: The United States Senate

End Bad Laws

You are signing a petition that will finally hold those responsible for passing bad laws that are created to erode the natural rights and freedoms of the American People, (that would be,,, you)

Why is this important?

For over 235+ years all of the early organized political parties have consistently manipulated our laws at one time or another in our history for the express reason of eroding the "Natural" rights and freedoms of the American People.
From the very first draft of our Constitution and Bill of Rights there was many revisions which focused on ones personal agenda based of their personal belief system which was and is strictly prohibited in that very Constitution.
Along the way our Justice System allowed many of these rights and freedoms to be consumed by endless delays and conjecture that in the end no due process was allowed.
This is now the 21 Century and our laws need to be revised for this cultures mindset and not that of the 17 hundreds for the simple fact that they don't apply anymore.
It is time for the American people to hold all our elected officials accountable both past and present for their actions and to bring to justice all of these changes manipulated by those who voted for these bad laws.