To: Hon M V Sisulu, Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms Bafedile Bopape, Office of the Director-General, and Dr N. Motete, Forestry and Natural Resources Management

End Canned Hunting in South Africa

A canned hunt is essentially a trophy hunt in which the animal is kept in a more confined area, such as in a fenced-in area, increasing the likelihood of the hunter obtaining a kill. According to one dictionary, a canned hunt is a "hunt for animals that have been raised on game ranches until they are mature enough to be killed for trophy collections.
The Humane Society of the United States is an outspoken critic of canned hunting. In a statement, the HSUS called canned hunts "cruel and brutal activities," in which the hunted animal has "absolutely no chance of escape." It went on to say that animals have been "psychologically conditioned to behave as a target by life in captivity," among other objections.
We have grown tired of asking politely.We, {The International Community} now DEMAND an end to this barbaric, cruel and inhumane activity.

Why is this important?

We Must Put An End To This Madness
