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To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

End Daylight Savings

This petition calls for congress to end of Daylight Savings Time. Daylight savings costs the economy billions of dollars due to lost productivity by changing clocks, confusion and some people's inability to make the change.

Why is this important?

The social and economic impact of Daylight Savings Time affects everyone. Billions of dollars in economic loss gets paid by taxpayers and consumers. Additionally, people suffer because they have sleep issues or memory issues. Business and government have to pay to change the clocks manually and even on certain computers and pay for any confusion. Daylight savings was instituted for farmers about 100 years ago, but we are now living in the information age. Sign this petition to end daylight savings and share the petition with your companions.



2024-03-06 10:29:49 -0500

25 signatures reached