To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom
End Disability Discrimination by Employers Regarding the Use of Medical Marijuana in California
End employment discrimination (i.e. hiring and termination) due to the use of medical marijuana to manage disabilities. This is a form of disability discrimination, and with the legalization of both recreational and medicinal marijuana, there is no reason that the law should not protect medical marijuana users when it comes to employment in the state of California.
Why is this important?
I have suffered from a severe spinal injury since 2016, and due to my age, various medical professionals have been hesitant to surgically rectify my situation with the hopes that it will naturally heal at some point. Medical marijuana has more successfully managed my chronic pain than my former treatment with narcotic medications such as Norco, Percocet, and Morphine, and its side effects are minimal in comparison to the harsh side effects, addictive nature, and withdrawal symptoms that are associated with narcotic medications. How I manage my disability when I am at home does not impact my ability to perform at any place of employment , and medical marijuana users need legal protection against employers to be able to manage their disability without fear of being terminated or not hirable due to an antiquated prejudice towards a helpful and now state-legal substance.