To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End Discrimination Against the Long Term Unemployed In The U.S. Job Market

If we are to believe the job postings presented by agencies hired to find employees for businesses in the United States there are plenty of jobs available and not enough people to fill them.

The reality, for people who are the long term unemployed is, no matter how much experience and education you have, you can and most likely will be turned down for hiring because you have no recent experience; no matter how many years of experience you have acquired through hard work and training.

Job descrimination is wrong and is, or should be illegal in an economy that is and was during the election used as a tool to get votes from people who are tired of living from day to day hoping that something will change and things will get better. If an economy is driven by industry and the people who it employs who buy products sending their money back into the economy, then the government should be concentrating on making sure that people have a fair chance to be employed instead of tax breaks for the rich "who will create jobs". This has been the mantra for politicians since the 1920's where "prosperity was just around the corner" and Americans just had to stick with it and wait for the good times to begin.

If discrimination in any form is wrong, discrimination against the long term unemployed in a time of economic disparity is criminal; we need to tell the federal and state governments there can be no economic recovery in the United States until people are given a fair chance to work regardless of how long they have been out of work when they want to work and employment agencies are told to screen them out if they have been unemployed for one or two years.

Please join me in this fight to drive home this message to politicians and Corporate America that closing their eyes and pretending that no one will notice that this type of discrimination is occuring will not work.

If no one stands up and speaks out against discrimination, no one but the people, or business enitities committing the act of exclusion will benefit..

Why is this important?

If discrimination in any form is wrong, discrimination against the long term unemployed in a time of economic disparity is criminal; we need to tell the federal and state governments there can be no economic recovery in the United States until people are given a fair chance to work regardless of how long they have been out of work.