To: President Donald Trump, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End Employer Issued Credit Checks

In the past four years, I have noticed that many employers are now issuing credit checks as a part of the application process. This practice forces many people to accept part time positions with no benefits. As a direct result of this, many people who are working must still rely on government subsidies such as Medicaid, in order to make ends meet. Credit checks as a part of the application process needs to be stopped in order to ensure that otherwise qualified candidates for these jobs can have a fair shot at securing jobs with livable wages and benefits.

Why is this important?

In the health care field, it is common practice for workers to have to pass drug tests, criminal background tests, and get DCFS clearance. However, in the past several years, many companies, including most major hospitals, have added credit checks to the application process. This forces many otherwise qualified candidates out of their chosen field, and into working for less wages with fewer or no benefits. This practice needs to end now. Making gainful employment only accessible if one can pass a credit check is only helping to force individuals and families into poverty. Please sign my petition to make our state and national leaders aware of this policy.
