To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End Ethanol Mandates/Subsidies

We, the American people, refuse to vote for ANY politician who does not vote to END the Ethanol subsidies/mandates/blend credits immediately.
The Ethanol program was sold to the American people as a way to reduce energy costs and reduce our dependency on foreign oil. It has done the opposite. As the Ethanol content of motor fuel increases, fuel economy decreases. At 10% Ethanol content, the typical car's MPG drops 15%-20%, burning MORE gasoline to drive the same distance, PLUS the Ethanol. In addition to being counter-productive, the taxpayer is paying $.70 per gallon in subsidies/blend credits, as well as higher prices for all food products.
We demand its immediate end.

Why is this important?

The Ethanol program was sold to the American people as a way to reduce energy costs and reduce our dependency on foreign oil. It has done the opposite. As the Ethanol content of motor fuel increases, fuel economy decreases. At 10% Ethanol content, the typical car's MPG drops 15%-20%, burning MORE gasoline to drive the same distance, PLUS the Ethanol. In addition to being counter-productive, the taxpayer is paying $.70 per gallon in subsidies/blend credits, as well as higher prices for all food products.
