To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End Government Corruption within the EEOC

I strongly support more rights and protections for government employees and contractors who blow the whistle on waste, fraud, and abuse within the Federal Government.
I hereby demand that the Office of Special Counsel, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the House Committee on Government Reform, the Office of Personnel Management and the Office of the President of the United States of America conduct investigations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s numerous employees that have made whistle blower allegations, filed grievances, reported Prohibited Personnel Complaints, and have made allegations of bribery and investigation /case tampering.
I similarly demand the investigation of AFGE arbitrations, grievances, and mediations wherein whistle blowers contended that the union worked to undermine the proceedings, obstruct justice, and signed unconscionable settlement agreements in behalf of the whistle blowers against their interest and consent.
I demand that Office of the Inspector General of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission be investigated for its refusal to investigate allegations of criminal conduct and Prohibited Personnel Violations committed by management and executive management employees.
Lastly, I demand the reinstatement of whistle blowers.
I join my fellow citizens in urging members of Congress to act now to protect the dedicated public servants who safeguard our tax dollars and expose waste, fraud, and abuse on our behalf.

Why is this important?

I am one of a number of former Federal Investigators and Federal Judges that have made whistle blower allegations or alleged Prohibited Personnel violations against the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's management and executive management. The long list of allegations includes targeting companies, accepting bribes, harassment, retaliation, destroying federal records in an attempt to obstruct justice, Prohibited Personnel Violations, the passing over qualified veterans for hiring in violation of federal law, collusion with the union to obstruct and cover-up whistle blower allegations.

For those who might think that this is a joke or not a mattter which concerns them, I am attaching links to recent cases which illustrate the fabrication of evidence and target which the Commission has committed against private employers, complaints or some of its employees and payments of tax dollars which are being made for these wrongful lawsuits. I have also attached a copy of my last contact with the EEOC's office of Inspector General --in it he refuses to conduct an investigation of criminal conduct on the part of Executive Level Employees after two years of complaints in their regard.


How is this at all fair...the Inspector General of the EEOC maintains that if there were criminal violations within the agency by its highest ranking officials and even if it is found that an employee was wrongly dismissed in retaliation for being a whitsle blower...he refuses to pursue the matter...he complains that to pursue or investigate the matter would have to be weighed against "the office's investment of resources". The whitlsle blower has hounded the agency for two years to investigate the matter and was put off until several people who were involved were allowed to retire and now is being told that it might be difficult to investigate since many of those involved have retired. I have provided his office with transcripts of the officials acknowledging the the criminal behavior under sworn oath. How much investment would it take to read the documents and questions the officials involved.

----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Fri, February 1, 2013 8:21:22 AM
Subject: Re: FOIA & Inspector General's Request - Dr. Brian K. Mitchell

Mr. Mitchell,

I have completed a review of your complaint. I completely understand your complaint and can empathize with your situation.

However, you are wrong to assume there is an investigation of your complaint. That decision has not been made!

The issue does fall under the authority of the EEOC Office of Inspector General. Before we conduct any investigation we must weigh our investment of resources against the most likely outcome of any investigation. Other issues to consider is the time lapse in your complaint and the fact that some of those people named in your complaint no longer work for the Agency.

Your allegation that the agency has destroyed federal records, as it relates to your application for a position with the Agency and the certification list associated with that application, is clearly stated in your complaint. At this time, I see no point in conducting an interview with you.

You must also understand, that no matter if we conduct an investigation or not, nothing can be done to resolve your dissatisfaction with the Agency or to restore you to a position within the Agency.

I assure you all consideration is being given to your complaint. Thank you for contacting the Office of Inspector General.