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To: Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY-1), The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

End Gun Violence by Enacting Common Sense Laws

Hungry4Change is the hunger strike I began to let the Senate know how dedicated we are to end the gun violence crisis in America. Add your name if you agree that Mitch McConnell should call for a vote on background checks and red flag laws, both of which have overwhelming public support.

Why is this important?

We live in the richest, most powerful country on the planet, but for years I have been going to bed hungry. My hunger was not for food, but another basic need, similarly essential for my life and well being. My hunger was for the shooting to stop.

America has had more mass shootings than there have been days this year. That means, more likely than not, before you sit down to dinner with your family tonight another mass shooting will occur. And as I send my students to the cafeteria for lunch tomorrow, another one. More innocent, unsuspecting lives lost, for nothing. Or more accurately, because the Republican-led Senate has chosen to ignore their constituents’ basic human need for safety.

The failure of our Federal government to fulfill its duty to its citizens led me to compound my hunger. That is why I began this hunger strike.

One hundred people die every day in America because of gun violence, and my love for those 100 people that are going to die tomorrow, outweighs my desire for a burger today.

Originally my focus was on mass shootings. They are so random and get so much media coverage the result can only be terror. But truth be told, as horrific as they are, mass shootings are only a small fraction of the gun violence that is plaguing our nation. Suicides, homicides, domestic violence, accidental shootings are all largely preventable with Common Sense gun legislation.

Any good faith movement by the Federal Government on gun violence prevention bills passed by the House and waiting on a vote from the Senate, would be reason to celebrate. And in my case have a taco. But for now, I am following this path.

My name is Shai Stephenson and I am Hungry4Change. Are you?



2020-01-23 21:03:30 -0500

25 signatures reached