To: Daniel Brezenoff, LCSW in Vice Mayor Robert Garcia's Office, Senator Diane Feinstein, Senator Barbara Boxer, President Donald Trump, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

END Homelessness First in Long Beach Then Our Nation

END Homelessness first in Long Beach, California, then our nation by employing the homeless and the underemployed as a sales force for your books!

Why is this important?

Let's END Homelessness, poverty, lack, and want first in Long Beach, California and then within our noble nation, the great United States of America. We are facing a devastating loss of interest in reading throughout our country, and the best way to fight that sure demise is to GET AUTHORS ACTIVATED. If every author interested in publishing in the U.S.A. hired the homeless, the long-term unemployed, parolees, the addicted, et cetera to promote their work, we could end social ills that have plagued our nation since its inception. Give each person who signs up with an author AN EQUAL SHARE OF FIVE PERCENT OF YOUR MONTHLY PROFITS and you have suddenly employed people who in many cases have lost all hope.