To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End Insider Trading in Congress

In his State of the Union address on January 24, 2012, President Barack Obama urged Congress to send him a bill making insider trading illegal for members of Congress, just as it is illegal for the rest of America. The investment portfolios of members of Congress vastly outperform the portfolios of average Americans, and the time has come for this gross abuse of power to end. Politicians should use the information they have to help the American people, rather than using it to get rich on the backs of the 99%. Please sign this petition, and let Washington know that it's time to end corruption in our government.

Why is this important?

Today, the average portfolio of members of Congress far out perform the portfolios of average Americans. The reason for this is because Congress is legally allowed to trade based upon insider information. President Obama asked the members of Congress to send him a bill ending insider trading in Congress, and unless they feel the pressure from "We The People", nothing is going to get done.