To: The Iowa State House, The Iowa State Senate, and Governor Kim Reynolds

End Juvenile LWOP

Stop sending our children to prison for the rest of their lives! Second chances are sometimes well deserved!!

Why is this important?

Juveniles are sentenced to life without parole for class A felonies in our state. This gives them no hope for their futures no matter if they rehabilitate themselves or not. The judicial system does not take into consideration their culpability factors or what role they may have taken in the crime. Now our Gov. wants to keep them in for life by forcing them to serve many years with no credit for time served before giving them the chance at parole. What sort of meaningful opportunity is that considering most people don't make it past their 60s or 70s. The Gov. is still handing down life sentences. We must end this NOW! Juveniles are NOT adults, give them a chance to prove individually that they are worth a 2nd chance in life.
Someone very close to my heart has been serving a life sentence since the age of 15. He is now 34 years old. He was at the scene of a murder though did not partake in the murder what so ever. He is currently working toward his business degree and is a model inmate. He has so much to offer society. He certainly deserves a 2nd chance at his life.