To: Emergency Responders, Title or Position (optional), The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom
End Lane Splitting CA DMV
Lane Splitting, riding a two wheeled vehicle between two moving vehicles on the state or local roadways is an unsafe practice that jeopardizes public safety and has a great potential for the loss of life. Current policy allows this unwise practice and should be changed to ensure that our roads are safer. Lane Splitting is capricious and renders lane markings meaningless, creating a form anarchy. Those who use the method of Lane Splitting are risking their own lives unnecessarily and drawing in others unwittingly. Common sense must rule the day when driving on our roads. The State of California must not abdicate it's responsibility to keep all Californians and our guests safe on our roads from dangerous and harmful activity.
Make Lane Splitting a violation of the vehicle Code with an appropriate fine high enough to discourage this extreme and unsafe practice.
Make Lane Splitting a violation of the vehicle Code with an appropriate fine high enough to discourage this extreme and unsafe practice.
Why is this important?
In the interest of safety and to prevent the inevitable accidents by the uncertain movements of irresponsible drivers on California's Freeways. Governor Brown, please either enumerate the benefits of such a dangerous practice or ban it on all roads with clear and appropriate enforcement policies. Adding reasons to be a defensive driver is not in the interest of safety