We, the undersigned, demand that standardized testing be removed from our schools for the good of our children, our school system, our state, and our country. Money spent on this testing would be better spent in the hands of our cities and towns, our school leaders and our teachers, who know and understand the children for whose education they are responsible.
Why is this important?
There is so much emphasis on testing in today's schools that our children are learning nothing about actually living. Teachers are judged by the performance of their students and standardized testing. The schools are also judged. The education, therefore, it aimed at getting all the answers correct. It leaves little time for learning things not included in the tests. It leaves little time to teach children how to learn - how to understand other people - find information on subjects in which THEY are interested.
How about if we made parents pass standardized tests in order to maintain their homes and families? How about if we made politicians pass standardized tests about their country and what they have and haven't done for the people in their districts?
Our children should feel comfortable in school. It should be a nurturing atmosphere, not an atmosphere of fear that they will not live up to what is expected of them.