To:, Vlad Cristian, Vlad Cristian, Anno1777 CEO, and Vlad Cristian, Anno1777 CEO
Boycott Online Slavery Video Games and remove
Stop making & promoting Slavery Video Games. Remove
Today, slavery is a problem that every nation on this earth has had to deal with. Children in Europe and North America have and continue to be kidnapped and sold into involuntary prostitution. People from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and parts of Africa voluntarily travel to middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia with a promise of work but are often not paid and harshly beaten if they complain. People in South America have been trafficked to other countries where they are under-paid or not paid at all. Many of whom are killed if they complain.
Because of the physical, emotional, and economic problems that slavery and human trafficking cause’s supporters of this petition know that the world can not tolerate any thought that attempts to convince people that slavery in any form is something to play games with. In fact, we understand that social timing is very important to the release of any form of game or entertainment. And, that when a person unjustly suffers to the benefit of another person it is not an issue that any person should derive comfort from (play games with). Fortunately enough people in our world do know that any form of slavery diminishes the quality of human life and economic prosperity. Most countries have also ratified treats like the United Nations Human Rights Declaration; article 4, and have subsequently enacted laws that make slavery and servitude unlawful. Unfortunately, there are people that still think out of synch with popular opinion and would like to see slavery become a normal part of society. In fact, despite global efforts slavery is still occurring and in most instances a video game like is just a small part of a bigger plan to legalize slavery. Perhaps that is your plan! If that is the case we suggest that you look into history and see how slave revolts like the Nat Turner revolt of 1831 in the Unites States and Spartacus of 72-73 BC in Rome turned the profits of slavery into an absolute waist.
You should also think about your public reputation. Should it become well known that you created a slavery game or support efforts to continue slavery public opinion of yourself can cause social disgrace and finical lose.
So to answer the question! Why remove
The answers are that the evilness of slavery has no ethnic, religious, or social barrier and the economic loses out weigh the gains. Removing will help to ensure that you or some one you know does not become a slave.
Today, slavery is a problem that every nation on this earth has had to deal with. Children in Europe and North America have and continue to be kidnapped and sold into involuntary prostitution. People from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and parts of Africa voluntarily travel to middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia with a promise of work but are often not paid and harshly beaten if they complain. People in South America have been trafficked to other countries where they are under-paid or not paid at all. Many of whom are killed if they complain.
Because of the physical, emotional, and economic problems that slavery and human trafficking cause’s supporters of this petition know that the world can not tolerate any thought that attempts to convince people that slavery in any form is something to play games with. In fact, we understand that social timing is very important to the release of any form of game or entertainment. And, that when a person unjustly suffers to the benefit of another person it is not an issue that any person should derive comfort from (play games with). Fortunately enough people in our world do know that any form of slavery diminishes the quality of human life and economic prosperity. Most countries have also ratified treats like the United Nations Human Rights Declaration; article 4, and have subsequently enacted laws that make slavery and servitude unlawful. Unfortunately, there are people that still think out of synch with popular opinion and would like to see slavery become a normal part of society. In fact, despite global efforts slavery is still occurring and in most instances a video game like is just a small part of a bigger plan to legalize slavery. Perhaps that is your plan! If that is the case we suggest that you look into history and see how slave revolts like the Nat Turner revolt of 1831 in the Unites States and Spartacus of 72-73 BC in Rome turned the profits of slavery into an absolute waist.
You should also think about your public reputation. Should it become well known that you created a slavery game or support efforts to continue slavery public opinion of yourself can cause social disgrace and finical lose.
So to answer the question! Why remove
The answers are that the evilness of slavery has no ethnic, religious, or social barrier and the economic loses out weigh the gains. Removing will help to ensure that you or some one you know does not become a slave.
Why is this important?
Boycott Online Slavery Video Game that aims to reintroduce slavery. is an online game that uses images of African Slavery to advertise their product. Players can also capture and trade slaves for real money. That is a dangerous thought because in real life slavery innocent people are beaten or killed if they refuse to work for little or no pay. Boycott and sign the Petition for removal of
The boycott address is
A second petition address is:
Governmental Agencies: We requested that you block the domain from your country.
Spread the word by forwarding this message to 10 of your friends. Supporting this boycott and petition puts you one step closer to ensuring that you or some one you know does not fall victim to human trafficking.
Your support is appreciated,
Sulaiman The WordSmith
The boycott address is
A second petition address is:
Governmental Agencies: We requested that you block the domain from your country.
Spread the word by forwarding this message to 10 of your friends. Supporting this boycott and petition puts you one step closer to ensuring that you or some one you know does not fall victim to human trafficking.
Your support is appreciated,
Sulaiman The WordSmith