To: President Obama, Governor Romney, Vice President Biden, and Congressman Ryan

End partisan log jam in Washington

We, as American voters, request that you commit, if elected, to work cooperatively with all members of both houses of Congress to effectively address the severe economic crisis.

Why is this important?

In discussions with my friends and relatives, including Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, I have found a nearly universal agreement on one basic theme: Our elected officials are consistently playing partisan politics, rather than working together to solve the economic crisis. The reality of the political environment, however, is sufficiently balanced that neither party can impose its solutions without negotiation with the opposing party. That is, real progress on solving our economic problems will require cooperation and compromise.

I am therefor asking the candidates for President and Vice President of both parties to begin now to lead their parties away from the counter-productive, contentious partisan politics of the recent past into a period of cooperative political leadership necessary to address the serious risks to our country’s and our individual well-being during the present world-wide economic turmoil.