To: The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, and Governor Doug Ducey

End "Right to Work" laws in Arizona

The so called "Right to Work" legislation is really a "Right to Work for less" and benefits the wealthy and corporate interests at the expense of the middle and working classes. Unions provide a balance to these corporate interests and requiring employees to become members is a reasonable tactic for keeping a decent wage. If one doesn't want to join the union for a particular job, that individual should find another job. The "right to work" legislation is really just a wage suppression measure, and should be ended.

Why is this important?

The so called "Right to Work" laws have effectively ended prospects for most Arizonans to earn a decent wage and live a middle class life style. Corporate greed and the right wings belief in so called "trickle down" economics are the pathway to a feudal economy. Repeal these laws now.